We have started our 1st cycle back at the baby making dream. I took femara CD 04-08. CD 15 I went in for my US to see if there are any follicles. There are 2!!!! One on the left side and one on the right side (18 & 19). So, the IUI is a go! That night JC gave me the HCG shot to make me ovulate within the next 24-48 hours. Today is CD 17, the day of our IUI. We are waiting for our appointment now and I am sure it will go well.
I am taking prenatal vitamins and baby aspirin daily. At 5 DPO I will start progesterone pills to help thicken the lining of my uterus and the Lovenox shot in my belly to thin my blood.
I should be able to test in about 14 days. We have so much going on that it will go by faster than normal. Usually I am thinking about it so much that time goes so slow. I did not notice any of the side effects of the femara. Probably because I was not thinking about it at all. We were too busy with everything else.
That is about all that I have for right now.