On Wednesday morning our broker called to tell me that someone else had put in an offer and that we better put in a good offer. So, of course I was all stressed out the whole day. I did a little more looking online to see if another kennel might be for sale. There is another one but it was a really small one and it is in central Indy with no land. So, it really does not fit what we are looking for, however, it could be a stepping stone if we hit a brick wall with every other option that we have.
I requested to see a kennel on the south side of Indy a while back and was denied due to not having enough start up cash. Well for one you can move money around the right way and not need that much to start up, but we were looking at the north side property pretty heavily so it wasn't an issue at the time. I again requested to go see the property telling our broker that we now know that I can get financing and also that we have a little more cash options via family. Our broker was having an issue with contacting the listing agent and we did not know if we could see it or not.
We were going to leave around 4 am rather than 2 am like we had been on previous trips, but with all of this new information we decided we better leave at 2 am like we normally do. We had an appointment with the SBDC at noon, so we knew that we were going to have plenty of time prior to that to, hopefully, see the other property. Our broker finally was able to contact the listing agent and get all of the information on the property as well as set up an appointment to go see the property that afternoon. Well, I had my fertility appointment at 3:45 pm and so I decided I better cancel it so we could go see this property. So, our fertility is on hold, but that is ok because JC comes home very soon and we can go together.
The appointment with the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) went really well and I do plan to stay in touch and use them whenever I need to. They were very friendly and also shared the same passion for animals as I do. They also offer a very neutral answer to questions as they have no benefit to my decisions. I suspect that we will be in touch.
Then on to the next property. Dad and I actually really did like the property, however, the cash flow was not as good as the north side property. Dad and I are very good with moving numbers around so we could find a way to make it work if we needed too.
Then we met at the broker's office to get an offer together for the north side property. We offered what they were asking for the business and then we offered what we thought the land was worth.
The next morning our broker calls and says that apparently the other offer was substantially higher so we were told no. Of course it was horrible, but at the same time the south property was really nice. So, if we can finagle it to make the numbers work then it is actually a better option for us. So, dad and I had to completely rearrange our thinking and see what we could come up with. Dad came up with an option that would be very beneficial to both sides. so, now we are going to put together an offer via e-mail with our broker and hopefully have that in by tomorrow or Tuesday.
Wish us luck... AGAIN!!!!!!
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