Well, I guess it is about time that I fill everyone in on our MAJOR life’s events. As you all know I had deployed to Kuwait and JC had deployed to Iraq. Both of us being deployed had caused us to rent out our home and thus upon our return we had to stay with my dad for about 4 months. It was a full house and stressful at times but worth the end result. JC and I are now proud new owners of Pine Ridge Pet Resort & Grooming Center. Just prior to leaving Kuwait I had initiated contact with a business broker who took me a lot more seriously once I made it back to the states and could talk to him in person. With the support of JC and my Dad I have become a small business owner and my life has changed in every sense of the word. This probably seems crazy to a lot of people but to JC and I it is very normal for our lives to change drastically and at a very fast rate. We now live in a new city, in a new home and with a new business. Crazy and busy are understatements for us.
Pine Ridge Pet Resort was built in 2001 by Lynn Berryman. She has spent countless hours to build this kennel into the wonderful kennel that it is today. The kennel is fully operational as it stands now and there is a very dedicated staff to include an assistant manager who aspires to be the full-time manager. The kennel is exceptionally clean and well kept. There is space for us to expand on the existing operations to include our many ideas and dreams; one of which is to sell dog treats and dog clothing made by my Aunts Marilyn and Joanne (Taz’ Pride). I can’t wait to get there products in our lobby for our customers to see and try. The next idea that is getting most of our attention is the addition of a dog park in the surrounding 10-12 acres. It is my goal to get this up and running by this summer. Customers have been responding well to the idea and I can’t wait to get started with it. We hope to open it with a grand opening party that everyone will be invited to. We want to set up booths for local shelters, pet stores and vet clinics to set up with their products. We basically want it to be a big party for all pet lovers alike.
The above was also posted to my business blog: King of Hearts, LLC
As far as the baby dreams go…. We did try two cycles while in the process of buying the kennel but neither succeeded and we decided to take a break while we got settled here. We are not sure when we will resume the baby dreams. For now our hands are full and space is limited. Our previous home was close to 4000 sq ft and the new one, which isn’t new at all (100 yrs +), is only 1500 sq ft!!!! So, it is quite the adjustment for us and a challenge to fit all of our belongings into such a small space. There are also only 2 bedrooms, so now Nathan and Brady already are back to sharing a room and we are unsure at the moment where we would even put a baby.
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