Thursday, November 1, 2012

18 Week Ultra Sound

Hello Mommy!
Today was our 18 week Ultra Sound! We were both very excited to get the chance to see our little boy wiggle around inside his mommies tummy. It's the cutest thing ever to see him kick his little feet. I can feel the kicks yet, but clearly he is kicking. I do, however, "think" that I am feeling his movements as I do not see how it is possible to eat and then have my tummy rumble at me like I hadn't eaten all day only an hour or so later. Doctor said that he is growing like he should and is measuring right where he needs to be. They found nothing to worry about with him or mommy. His heartbeat is nice and strong as well. He was breach but we have lots of time for flips.

I took my first belly picture at 17 weeks. My tummy is starting to get tighter by the day. We were unable to take our 18 week belly picture because we were out of town visiting my sister and the rest of my dad's side of the family. It was an AWESOME trip. My sister and a couple of our aunts planned a surprise baby shower for me! It's a little early but I may not be able to get back out there again so they splurged, just for me! ... or probably more for Baby Blob than for me, but regardless it was fun and so nice to see the whole family. She also took me maternity shopping for the first time. We also got to spend LOTS of time with my niece, ALYSSA! She is so adorable and boy does she LOVE grandma!!!! We got to watch her go trick or treating and at first she was scared and then she realized that she was getting candy and then she was running to the doors.