In 2004 I enlisted in the US Army Reserves. Why? I have no idea!!! Yeah I was in college and could use the extra funding for school, but at the time my dad was reimbursing me for my classes. So, I really didn't NEED the help. I had a job and I am not into being tough. I am not a girly girl by any means, but I still do not go jumping into puddles and get all muddy on purpose. I think it was more the need to know that I can do something that no-one would ever expect me to do and to be proud of myself for accomplishing something that I never knew I could do.
Little did I know that this leap of faith that I so blindly took would lead me to where I am today. This decision that I made back then, if changed would have lead me down a completely different path and I would not be where I am today. It just amazes me that I jumped into the unknown, had no idea where it would take me and really had no real reason to jump, but I did and now I have everything. I am truely blessed even in the hardest two years of my life, also caused by my leap of faith, to have the husband, the kids, the pets, the houses, the family......the list goes on and on.
I was smart when I joined and any recriters dream. I walked into the recruiter's office and said, "I want to join the Army and I want to be in Finance". I was educated and could already pass my PT test. Needless to say I was swearing in, in no time. My dad told me to leave for Basic in the spring time to avoid both the extreme cold and the extreme heat, so I joined October 29, 2004 and left for Basic Combat Training March 28, 2005. It was good advice, thanks dad!!!! Since I didn't leave for Basic right away I started drilling with my unit, 376th Financial Management Company in Wausau, WI. At my first drill it was announced that we would be deploying to Kuwait later that year. So, I knew going into Basic that I was going to be deployed after graduation.

I was indifferent about the deployment. Kuwait is relatively safe and I knew when I joined that the possibility of a deployment was there. I wasn't married, no kids, and I had already quit my job. All I had was family, friends and my one dog, Osa. It was no different in Kuwait than it was back home. The only real difference is that Kuwait is nothing but sand and family and friends are back home. You get used to the sand and you make new friends who become your family. I was a cashier in the Fianance Office for the whole year and absolutely loved it. It was pretty much like working in a bank. After hours was normal we could go do things around camp; basketball, BINGO, fun runs, poker, ect.... Ultimately it was a successful year and by the end of it I had recieved two promotions, E-4 Specialist and then E-5 Sergeant.

To be continued...................
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